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Planning Christmas events

     As you start to look at Christmas, make sure you plan for events such as parties or 
get-together's with your friends or family.  Even if you have not figured out the date of the party itself...start to look at potential dates, figure out what you are going to need for food, and start to make your list where that is concerned.  This way, you are not spending a bunch of time the month prior to - getting everything done.  
     If you send out invitations, start to look at ideas for that, as well as your Christmas cards that you send out.  Do you send out thank you cards to people, make sure you include this in your planning!  
     This weekend, pick up a composition notebook - they have them on sale right now with school coming up.  (Make sure you pick a few up while they are on sale to put away for use later on.)  Make sure to spend a bit of time altering one of the notebooks in a fun Christmas related pattern, in order to keep track of all your fun planning that you need to do!  
     Last, but not least...make sure you at least spend a bit of time in looking at your gift list.  Looking at who you are buying for, budgets, what you want to do for them...really helps in planning things out the next few months.  It doesn't take much to get a gift every paycheck if you can, instead of planning a huge shopping trip around Christmas time!  Plus look at the fun sales and specials you can find right now - look on Ebay or Craigslist for people who are trying to get rid of things that might be perfect for you to get!   Spending a bit of time throughout the month this month, in not only planning, but starting to make things will help you down the line when you don't have to do it all later on.  
     I hope you enjoy your time getting ready for Christmas!  
Lynda Jeffs
Memories in Tyme
