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Happy Independence Day mini album idea...with another challenge!!!

July 4th album
     Independence Day can mean different things to different people - depending if you are a native of the country, or if you came here from another country and never really left!  I know being born and raised in Utah - their huge day is July 24th, instead of Independence Day... more for religious reasons than anything, but they do celebrate the 4th, just not on that "big" of a level.  Living in Canada - you have their huge day on July 1st...and I am sure other countries celebrate their own type of "day" as well, depending on where you are from.  
Album standing up with ribbon binding
     So - the challenge for you (before the idea) is for you to put down in either a layout, or a mini album - anything relating to Independence that you would like.  Since I don't do much with family on this day, then I am planning on doing a project about what being "independent" means to me...something that can go with my A to Z about ME album I am planning, and for me, it's not going to be in red, white and blue!  
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     For this mini album, I used the same ribbon affect as I did the album I shared with you yesterday - this makes it easy to create your project, and the put it all together.  **TIP**  When you are doing your album, make sure you allow for the ribbon on the side when you create the inside of the album - it might look strange, until you get it bound together.
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     Don't be afraid to use both stickers and die cuts when creating projects like this - or use a page kit you might have gotten.  Normally you end up with a whole lot more stickers than you really need to use for a 2 page spread!  If you add 3 more sheets of paper to it, and a few more stickers and die cuts, you would have a great page kit in order to make a truly one of a kind album.  
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       As you can see looking through the pages, each page has a style all it's own, yet has something that fits with the theme on each of the pages, being able to add photos, journaling, or even bits of things you got along the way today, such as napkins from dinner or have everyone write up something about "Independence Day" to share with you to add to the album.  Honestly, there is no "wrong or right way" to do the albums, it's how YOU want them...or with the things you want to keep!  If your family is the ones who go all out spending the day with friends and family doing the BBQ thing, decorations, parades, etc., take tons of pictures and document the day!   **TIP**  Make sure you keep a small notebook and pen/pencil close by you to take notes of the fun things people say and do to go along with the photos you are taking!  This way you are not so confused as to what to say in your journaling!

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Back cover
     As you can see - it is a simple album done with 5 sheets of 12 x 12 paper or cardstock, adding ribbon, stickers, buttons, and die cuts to create this truly one of a kind album for your family to document the fun Holidays, birthday, Anniversaries, and other events!  I hope you have a marvelous 4th of July - celebrating YOUR independence in one way or the other!  
Lynda Jeffs
Memories in Tyme      
