The title you do does not have to be the same - use the same technique I used on my question mark on a fun layout for your pages, maybe with your initial - or B for Baby - or something like that! Or, use the same color scheme, or whatever you find for the inspiration to create your own style of layouts. I did not want to share the journaling that I did for this project, it's not about the journaling itself, but underneath the right side - you can see a line...that actually opens up into hidden journaling with a lot of things I wrote underneath about who I am.
As I close, I will tell you the one thing I do not do in my journaling, that will need to be a must from now on - is putting the dates down someplace on the layout itself. This way, I know when the layout was done, as well as the approximate time of the photos. I tend to not look at the dates and things - and later on have to look back at when a layout was done to remember that time period in my life! For me, scrapbooking was used as a therapy tool - to get through a hard time in my life... I am so glad it was there - and value anyone to do the same through their struggles and pain! Make sure you check out another fun idea tomorrow - and a great mini album project for 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Blog Hop this Sunday, as well as a Fall Blog Hop on 9/15 and 16!!! Have a great day - and we will see you later!!!
Lynda Jeffs
Memories in Tyme
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Thanks for the comment!!! I always like it when people take the time to look at what I create! Have a great day!!