You know those times in your life when you sit back and think about things in your life a bit more? Things that worked out and made you happy, and then just went to the wayside for whatever reason? I'm at that point. I will be 60 in a few weeks! Out of everyone I am involved with in a situation, I am the oldest person. I was taught by my parents to treat people how you want to be treated. To help, serve, love, honor. I was taught wrong from right, and learned who I didn't want to be by the people around me at a young age. I learned the good parts and left the bad alone. Oh, I wasn't perfect... I did a lot of stupid things during my first marriage. I let another one do things to me that caused my kids more harm than it did good. And another one I couldn't abandon because of what happened to the second one, suicide. All because I simply wanted to "help". But the things in my past, during...
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