I wanted to update you - after long consideration - Memories in Tyme is changing just a "wee" bit! Everything is on the memoriesintyme.com web site from this point forward! I am excited to keep blogging and bring ideas, plus handmade creations you can purchase!
I am working on classes - done in a 4 week time, learning all things paper craft related! I am trying hard to work on them, but like everything I do - I want it to be perfect!!! You won't find the concept or idea anywhere out there - we take things back to the basics and teach you HOW to create based on your own style of items and style of pages/cards/crafts! All things paper craft related! I can't wait to get it all done and started!
So - we have a new blog post up at the site, and new ones scheduled and ready to go! Please check in with us there - see you there!
Until next time,
Lynda Jeffs
Memories in Tyme
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Thanks for the comment!!! I always like it when people take the time to look at what I create! Have a great day!!