I wanted to update you - after long consideration - Memories in Tyme is changing just a "wee" bit! Everything is on the memoriesintyme.com web site from this point forward! I am excited to keep blogging and bring ideas, plus handmade creations you can purchase! I am working on classes - done in a 4 week time, learning all things paper craft related! I am trying hard to work on them, but like everything I do - I want it to be perfect!!! You won't find the concept or idea anywhere out there - we take things back to the basics and teach you HOW to create based on your own style of items and style of pages/cards/crafts! All things paper craft related! I can't wait to get it all done and started! So - we have a new blog post up at the site, and new ones scheduled and ready to go! Please check in with us there - see you there! Until next time, Lynda Jeffs Memories in Tyme
Welcome to Lynda's Den! Want to purchase your own handmade paper-craft creations? We have that here! Mary Kay products, we have that! 31 Bags and Totes, we have THAT! Lynda's Den is all about me, my life, and my creations! Welcome