Everyone in life has their own book of "rules" - those things in life you just simply do because they are right, or because you were taught that way! I see n the above qu ote on Facebook (of course), and like usual - a new project came in to play.... Those Lynda's Book of Life Rules!!! With this project -you will want to get some paper to make some notes with! The album will be more journaling and some pictures - more of a way to document and keep documenting! Rules end up changing - or adding on to ... Things you put up with when you are in your 20's - I will almost tell you, you won't when you are a bit older! Those little life rules that are YOURS! 6 x 6 mini album for sale For my project - I am thinking I will do a 6 x 6 al bum (like this one I have for sale), with this graphic for the cover! Something with a bit of hidden aspects and tags for sure! For me - I want something in my own handwriting ... ...
Welcome to Lynda's Den! Want to purchase your own handmade paper-craft creations? We have that here! Mary Kay products, we have that! 31 Bags and Totes, we have THAT! Lynda's Den is all about me, my life, and my creations! Welcome