I love to create...what I don't like, is living in a small apartment where my space is in the "dining room" area for all the world to see!! So, a few changes are in the works for my creative space...I hope after all of it, it will not only look good, but function well too! The best part about it all, everything I am doing - can be moved easily, which is a necessity in my world!
I recently ended up with a really cool desk, which is now my combined computer desk and my scrapbook area to create in!!!! I also have an older filing cabinet in another room, which will be painted a glossy black, along with the desk and the armoire after we find it so everything will match!!! My plans are simply to have the furniture as the basis of the whole room, with accent colors for the rest of the stuff such as the chairs, desk organizer set, and accent pieces for the space/room which can be changed easily! This way, things are put away when company is there, and the only thing out really, is things related to a normal desk! The armoire will simply keep everything paper craft related in one place, behind closed doors!
A bit more about the armoire... I want one that has 2 drawers underneath, with the shelves inside the doors that open up at the top. On the doors, I will have a magnet board on one side, with either peg board or a bulletin board background! All of the magnets and pins will be created to go with the design of the space! I am really excited to get this part of things done... I'm not spending a lot of money right now on supplies, except on the specific things I need for a project - but nothing extra! Once I get my armoire, watch out pocketbook!!! You don't need a lot of money, just a few basic pieces, such as a table or desk; add to that any type of storage space, and you have a perfect start to your own space! Even if it's in a corner of a family room, you can always make the space look nice, no matter where you are at! I hope you have fun creating YOUR perfect space!
Thanks for stopping by,
Lynda Jeffs
Memories in Tyme
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Thanks for the comment!!! I always like it when people take the time to look at what I create! Have a great day!!