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Showing posts from January, 2017

New Years Resolutions and Projects

New Years is a time to reflect, and reflect I did...the good, the bad and the ugly for sure!  This year I plan to do better - different - get those things I have needed to get done  DONE, and shared too, more done early and mailed before the date!!!!  This month - we are going to be working on 2 different projects - pick and choose what you want to do, get your supplies put together, and lets get started!   2016 Year in Review - do a project - a layout or mini album with nothing but how last year went for you (if you did not do Project Life)!   2017 "Intentions" - what you want to accomplish by the end of this year - again a layout or mini album project!   For this year - decide how you are going to do this years albums, join me in Project Life maybe, or just do the same thing you have been doing?  I want to document the whole year - the things we have going on, so by the end of THIS year - I can see the hard work actually documented - tha...

Saving Money and Organizing Creative Spaces

The past little while I have been going through my creative stuff - and re-organizing everything I own creative wise!  I am purchasing little key things that will ultimately help me with my entire space down the line, and making my space better to not only create more, but just get more done (while looking much better)!  A few more pieces - and my space will be complete for now!   Some of the things I am doing that to start with: Shipping boxes turned in to storage, check out this post for more information and ideas!  Papers and embellishments used can be changed whenever you change the colors in your space!    Purchasing crates to put books in (and boy can you hold a lot of books in one) - and other supplies!  Making a really unique wall organizer that will hold all kinds of things in it, and can be easily moved and purchased a little at a time!    Re-purposing other storage items as I store things in other items.  This wa...

Happy New Year Planning Challenge

Happy New Year everyone - it's the first of the year and so many things going on at once for me!!  Since we all know these challenges are more for me than for you, I do hope they are helping you out as well!!!  I have created an altered notebook for me to keep track of everything this year such as the personal's for each person - what they want, like, need, favorite colors - things that will help me plan gifts out a bit better!!!  I hope this one little thing will help me to get organized and do what I want before I need them done!!!!  (I know, simple task, just not that easy when I procrastinate...)  This year - I have goals - and the only difference between a wish and a goal, is a goal is written down!!!       So , get comfortable, and lets get this show started!!!     Notebook to keep track of upcoming ideas and things you need to create, purchase and get ready for -  Pencil/pen - eraser - highlighters Smart phone or t...