So, do you scrapbook your fur babies, like we do ours? This is Ty - our 15.5 year old awesome baby girl! She is not going to be with us much longer, which is really hard to believe! Through the years, Ty has always spent time with me while I have been creating - sitting on my stuff where ever I am at! It will be really hard when we finally loose her - watching her right now has been really hard on the family - she simply has been our little girl! My cats have an album of their own - of pages through out the time they have been alive and with us! Ty has only had one set of kittens, then we had her fixed - Hank and Bear are our "boys"!!! What about you - do your fur babies have an album of their own??? Here is a few tips to help you start your own album for your fur babies: Do you have a large amount of photos, or small amount? This will help in deciding how large your album should be! ...
Welcome to Lynda's Den! Want to purchase your own handmade paper-craft creations? We have that here! Mary Kay products, we have that! 31 Bags and Totes, we have THAT! Lynda's Den is all about me, my life, and my creations! Welcome